Monday, 31 October 2011

Fame, Fame, Fatal Fame

Mabel has been chosen by the RWF to be the face of their latest vaccination campaign.
Dijon has been rather persistent in his pursuit of Mabel, despite having been snipped a few weeks ago. Every time he approaches, Mabel starts squeaking like a very stressed guinea pig. At first we wondered if she was hurt, but there have been no signs of injury. However, it is clear that Mabel has matured.

She has changed from a sweet young girl to a feisty teenager. Her shape has changed, too. No longer is she a svelte bunny, but she has slightly broader shoulders and her face has filled out. She's not nearly as chunky as Dijon.
Mabel has been squealing when Dijon comes close. Along with this, she is constantly trying to get away from him. We're concerned about this as it's one of the signs of pregnancy. 

If she is expecting, then it means Dijon did the business AFTER his operation!

Matters became quite frantic this evening when Mabel started nesting. She was hopping about the living room, frenetically picking up any small strands of hay she could find. We have our fingers crossed that it is a phantom pregnancy.

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