Well, the summer is almost at an end. During the school holidays, the
bunnies have spent a lot of time outside. Now that we have a pen
attached to the outside wall, we leave the patio doors open, and Mabel
& Dijon can hop in and out at will.
They are used to
the aeroplanes, so don't shoot inside every two minutes, and the
clackety-clack of trains no longer perturb them, so they can enjoy the
great outdoors without feeling too stressed... the only things that seem
to give them the willies is when blinds, curtains, or windows are
opened upstairs. Any of these is guaranteed to have them rocketing
indoors at supersonic speeds.
It's been just over a
year since they came to live with us, and they are very settled. I've
been editing some video of them recently and will post this wen it's
ready. We've also been looking at photos of all our beloved houserabbits
over the past 14 years, and I think we'll upload some of these too.
Rosie Rabbit is something to behold. Sunday lunchtimes were always very