A wedding - and everyone's over-eaten, including the buns...
Today our family has attended a wedding - a Sikh wedding. Sikh weddings begin early, so we had to leave the house before 7am in order to be at the Hounslow Gurdwara by 9am.
Mabel and Dijon have freedom of the dining room for most of the day - they are only in their cage overnight, and if we're out for any length of time during the day, so were not going to take kindly to being shut in for a whole day. Therefore, we called in The Bunnysitters - my parents, who were happy to give them breakfast at normal time then to sit for 3 hours whilst Mabel and Dijon did there usual - chew a bit of cardboard box, then sit where they choose (ie. not in their cage).
I had warned The Bunnysitters that lately we've been having difficulty tempting them back to their cage at night time. However, when we arrived home later this afternoon, we were informed that Dijon was a good boy and went straight back, and Mabel had been willing to follow a trail of treats to the cage.
We use SMALL pinches of muesli-based bunny food as a going-back treat. Unfortunately, The Bunnysitters informed me, there had been a little accident with the treats tin, kept on top of the cage, and the bunnies had thought Christmas had come early when "a few pinches" had fallen into the cage.
Well, I've never before seen Dijon healthy yet not interested in food. There were still plenty of treats left on the floor of the cage, quite visible even to human eye, neither bun showed much interest in their grass/herb forage at tea time, and not even a whisker moved when they were offered their pellets!
It seems we've all over-eaten today... de-tox diet tomorrow, for everyone/bun!
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