Saturday, 28 December 2013

Rabbiting on: Study and debate on talking to bunnies

Don't know how we managed to miss this article from BBC News, but it's well worth a read.
To quote from the report:
  • Rabbits have various ways of making people aware of how they feel
  • When stroked along the jaw line they grind their teeth, a sign that they are contented
  • A rabbit that runs towards its owner when it sees them is another indicator of a pet that associates its owner with positive interactions
  • Honking and binking (sic) means they are excited
  • But one that lunges at its owner with ears back and grunting is not happy bunny 
Another way bunnies have of expressing themselves is the tail shake. Dijon is an avid tail-shaker, especially when he is being ushered back into the living room from the hall. An exaggerated shake of the tail is what we receive, a sure sign that we are seriously out of favour!

It will be interesting to see where the research leads and what conclusions it draws.

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