Wednesday 17 February 2021


Like many people right now, we are looking forward to spring – the bunnies will hopefully be able to enjoy some fresh grass and herbs in the garden, and lie in the sunshine, rather than by the radiator, for warmth. It's been a long winter, much of it in lockdown, and perhaps you too are pleased that February is the shortest month. An Old English name for February is Solmonath, which means 'mud month'. The bunnies think the other old name – kale-Monath (cabbage month) – is more hopeful.

It is indeed muddy in the garden now, but last week we had some snow. Ebony hasn't been out in snow since she came to live here, and probably hadn't experienced it in her previous homes. She enjoyed nibbling it, and also digging some in the planters. Dijon ventured out briefly, but wisely decided to go back indoors.

During the first lockdown, as we were all at home to supervise, we were able to remove part of the bunnies' fence during the day, which had previously created their large enclosure (most of the living/dining room).  They are now free to wander out of the living/dining room – in theory they have access to the whole house. However, Ebony hasn’t yet moved out of the living room – the hall has slippery laminate flooring. Dijon does go into the hall and kitchen, but fortunately knows the stairs are too much of a challenge for him. He hops into the kitchen several times a day… sometimes to see what’s going on, but mostly when he hears anyone preparing food or drink. He wanders out, gives his puppy dog eyes for a treat, then either eats it on the spot or races back to tell Ebony it’s coming. She is usually waiting at the threshold, although still doesn’t understand Dijon's body language too well – he races happily towards her, sometimes thumping in excitement, but she often seems to think he's on the offense, and growls at him!

Here are some photos taken over the past month. 

1 comment:

  1. Alfie also rushes to tell Fearne there's a treat on the way, then they both do a bunny 500 for a while, as I patiently wait, holding out two small treats. Alfie takes his, runs off with it, Fearne sniffs hers, sometimes noses the ground in front of her to tell me she wants it from the floor (!!!!!) or more often recently ignores it and runs off to steal Alfie's!


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