Thursday 15 June 2023

12 Years Old!


Dijon celebrated his 12th Birthday on Tuesday!

Quite an achievement! Dijon was born on 13 June 2011. His Dad was called Luigi, his Mum was Lily – both yellow Dutch rabbits.

When we lost Neroli, our 9.5yr old bunny, we had tried to adopt some bunnies from a local rescue, but the rescue wasn’t keen on rehoming their rabbits in a household with children. Such a shame – our three children were born into a home with rabbits, so they were very good, still to this day have never picked up a rabbit, and are the best bunny slaves. Anyway, we were tempted by a breeder advertising two litters of Dutch rabbits. We  would never go to a breeder now – there are so many rabbits in rescues, waiting for their forever homes. Fortunately the breeder closed down shortly after we adopted our rabbits.  

We went to see the baby rabbits on 10 July, 2011, when they were just under 4wks old. We picked Dijon because we liked his wide blaze (the white marking on a Dutch rabbit's nose), and Mabel from the other litter – she was the only black bunny. Mabel had the same Dad as Dijon, but a different Mum – Coco. As soon as they were old enough, the breeder put them into a hutch together, so they could become friends before going to their new home.

We collected them on 9 August 2011. Dijon has always loved his cuddles and his food, and he adored his half-sister, Mabel. She was with us until 2018, when she lost her battle with a jaw abscess. That’s when we adopted Ebony. Since then, Dijon has lost his whiskers, suffered a knee injury, and had two emergency surgeries within 48hrs back in November, when he had some problems with passing droppings. He bounced back, and is still loving life. The secret? Possibly all the cuddles, from everyone in the family (plus Ebony, of course!). 

Dijon enjoyed his Birthday, with lots of cuddles and treats! 


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