Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Snow Buns


Dijon loved the snow. He loved digging the snow, eating the snow, scenting the snow, weeing in the snow… but, most of all, he loved showing everybun else how to have fun in the snow. 

He was the first Bunnymad bunny to have access to the snow, along with his half-sister Mabel – we carried them outside to a pen on our lawn, when they were energetic, 8-month-old buns. Dijon’s reaction? After showing Mabel it was safe to come out of the carrier, he lifted his tail high and sprayed across the fresh snow. 

By the time we had our next snowfall, a year later, the bunnies could access a run on the patio, via the patio doors, so, although it meant a cold living room for us, they could come and go as they pleased. As their snow on the patio thawed, we replenished it, shovelling supplies from the lawn! 

Nine years after his first fun in the snow, in 2021, Dijon introduced his new partner, Ebony, to the joy of snow. A year later, in 2022, he was still excited to go out in the snow, despite being a bit wobbly, but by 2023, nearing the grand age of 12, he was happier to stay inside and watch Ebony go outside. 

Since Snoop joined us, we’ve had only light dustings of snow. Much as it’s more comfortable in our living room for us without the patio door open to a snowscape, we do hope Snoop gets to enjoy some snow this year – we suspect he’ll love it as much as Dijon did. 

(Music © Bunnymad)