Social behaviours

Behaviours relating to rabbits’ need to form social groups, socialise, and communicate


Biting    Bowing    Boxing    Chasing    Chin rubbing    Circling    Communicating    Ears    Eyes    Fighting    Flattening    Flicking feet    Flopping    Fur pulling    Grinding teeth    Grooming    Growling/grunting    Head flat/chin on ground    Hiccups    Hiding pain    Hierarchical behaviours    Honking    Hunching    Kicking    Licking    Loafing   Lowering head    Lunging    Lying    Mounting   Nibbling    Nipping    Nose    Nudging    Panting    Purring    Rapid breathing    Scent marking    Scratching    Screaming    Shaking    Sitting up    Smelling    Socialising    Splooting    Spraying urine    Squealing    Tail    Teeth chattering/grinding    Thumping    Turning back on company    Twitching nose    Vocalising    Whimpering


Behaviours summary

Wild rabbits thrive within social groups, with intricate structures that they establish using a range of hierarchical behaviours. Their techniques for communicating are subtle compared to other mammals – vocalising is minimal, but they convey information using body language and scent marking. Communication is essential in maintaining their territorial boundaries, alerting others in the colony to potential threats, and informing chosen mates of their intentions during courtship. Although there is territorial competition within a colony, and a strict hierarchy is enforced, there is also a high level of interdependence, especially as rabbits rely heavily on communal vigilance for their survival.

Domestic rabbits also thrive with suitable companionship, but it’s important that we always ensure they are carefully bonded with any new rabbit companions, making sure we understand their body language sufficiently to avoid any fighting during the process.

Our rabbits have many means of communicating, and much of this relies on subtle changes in their facial muscles and body position, which can be easily missed or misinterpreted. This is one of the reasons rabbits are often misunderstood, and their care needs aren’t met – a silent, still rabbit isn’t always content, and a biting rabbit isn’t necessarily being aggressive. Just because we can’t hear them complain, doesn’t mean we should assume they are happy. Rabbits cannot bark to be let out for a run, whine because they are being held uncomfortably, or mew because they are cramped in a small hutch, lonely and bored.

We have a responsibility, as owners, to learn their language by spending time with them and observing their behaviours. This helps us to understand what our rabbits are trying to tell us, and to know how they are feeling, so that we can respond accordingly and provide the best care.

Mabel and Dijon, the perfect couple.


Bowing / Head flat/chin on ground / Lowering head

A rabbit requests grooming from a rabbit companion by approaching then lowering its head, in a bowing motion, nose-to-nose, usually with ears up. The rabbit may touch the other rabbit’s nose. If the other rabbit fails to give the attention demanded, the bowing rabbit may try nudging the companion’s head with their nose – if there is still no response, they may end up nipping the other rabbit, and chasing may ensue. This is one of rabbits’ hierarchical behaviours– the bowing rabbit is assuming a position of dominance and is seeking recognition of this status.

This is a behaviour our pet rabbits will perform to request grooming from a companion rabbit. Bowing has an important role to play during the process of introducing and bonding two or more rabbits – the rabbit who wants to be the dominant one in the relationship will try bowing to the other rabbit. If that rabbit accepts the other’s dominance, they will groom them. If not, there may be chasing, which can quickly escalate to fighting if we don’t recognise the point at which we need to intervene.

Rabbits use the same bowing motion to ask for pets from us – we risk offending them if we ignore this demand! It’s advisable to acknowledge their request – even if, as is often the case in our household, it happens when we least have time to sit down on the floor with them for a stroke!




Rabbits may chase other rabbits when establishing, enforcing, and maintaining social status – it’s one of their hierarchical behaviours. Often, nipping provokes a chase. If cornered, it may escalate to fighting.

Chasing also occurs during courtship.

For pet rabbits, chasing may occur during the bonding process. It should be rare once rabbits are happily bonded, but may occur if a subordinate rabbit steps out of line by taking first pickings of, for example, food, water, shelter, or toys. This is why it’s so important to ensure we provide at least one of everything for each rabbit in a group.

It’s essential to allow enough space (minimum 3m x 2m x 1m high) for them to run away if their companion does start chasing, otherwise, if a rabbit becomes cornered, there is a risk of fighting.




A rabbit may hop in circles around another rabbit when establishing, enforcing, and maintaining their status as the dominant rabbit – it’s one of their hierarchical behaviours. Circling may be accompanied by honking.

Circling also happens during courtship.

Our pet rabbits might circle their partner in this manner. Some pet rabbits also circle their owners, either to display their affection, or their excitement (eg. when food is approaching). Unneutered rabbits, or those kept without a rabbit companion, are more likely to circle their owners (always ensure pet rabbits are neutered, and that they have suitable companionship).



Communicating / Vocalising

Rabbits communicate with each other using a variety of methods to express information such as affection, contentedness, displeasure, fear, or frustration, and to establish and maintain a social hierarchy. They’re generally quiet creatures, having relatively weak, poorly formed, and inflexible vocal cords. Vocalising in the same manner as other animals is not possible – they cannot modulate sounds produced (ie. they cannot change volume, pitch, or tone of sounds), and there is very little variation between rabbits in the sounds they produce. However, despite this, they can produce a range of sounds for communication, including:

·      Growling/grunting

·      Honking

·      Screaming

·      Squealing/whimpering

·      Teeth chattering/grinding

·      Thumping

They rely heavily on scent marking, including chin rubbing, scattering droppings, spraying urine, for communicating information including social status, age, and reproductive status.

Rabbits’ physical behaviours, expressions, and mannerisms are all powerful communication tools, conveying a wealth of information – from these, rabbits can recognise whether a companion is relaxed or frightened, approachable or hostile, happy or frustrated. Some of these are instinctive, others conscious. Examples of body postures and actions which can be used include:

·      Approaching cautiously

·      Begging

·      Binkying

·      Bowing (head flat/chin on ground, lowering head)

·      Chasing

·      Circling

·      Ear position

·      Openness of eyes

·      Fighting (biting, boxing, kicking, lunging)

·      Flattening

·      Flicking feet

·      Freezing

·      Fur pulling

·      Grooming

·      Hiding

·      Hunching

·      Loafing

·      Lying/flopping

·      Mounting

·      Nipping

·      Nose posture/speed of twitching

·      Nudging

·      Rapid breathing

·      Rearing up

·      Shaking

·      Sitting up

·      Tail position

·      Turning back on company

Even the fact that a rabbit is foraging or grazing, or sleeping, dreaming, or yawning, demonstrates to other rabbits that their companion is relaxed and doesn’t perceive any immediate threat, but is also a signal that they should take on the duty of vigilance whilst their companion is less alert.

Follow the links below to discover how communicative behaviours are used:

·      During reproduction

·      To avoid predation

Communication in rabbits is subtle and complex, especially when compared to that of dogs or cats; pet rabbits’ attempts to express themselves are often missed by their owners, and their body language is frequently misinterpreted. Through patient observation, it is possible to learn to ‘listen’ to our rabbits, and gain a valuable understanding which enriches our relationship with them, and helps with early detection of any problems. The language of rabbits varies with personality and context (and type of ears!) – we must learn these different ‘dialects’ for each of our individual rabbits. For example, for most rabbits, throwing back their ears and holding them tightly to their body if something approaches, is a warning of aggression, but Ebony performs the movement when accepting a treat.

If we interact with our rabbits regularly, demonstrating that we understand what they’re trying to tell us, it will encourage them to communicate more with us. They are intelligent creatures. They’re capable of learning their name and to come when called. They can even be taught commands to perform tricks, which adds further enrichment to their lives. 




In the wild, rabbits depend upon vigilance for their survival, monitoring the environment for signs of danger with their highly developed senses. Their ears are vital to them as prey creatures, able to move independently, rotating 270 degrees, to listen for sounds from different directions simultaneously.

Rabbits’ ear movements and positions can also indicate how they are feeling, and therefore convey information to other rabbits, such as whether a companion is relaxed, curious, cautious, on high alert, or aggressive, so that they are ready to respond accordingly. For example:

·      Both ears up, forward, and rabbit sitting up or standing facing forward – rabbit is listening attentively to something.

·      Both ears up, pointing ahead, and rabbit leaning forward – rabbit is curious about something.

·      One ear up and forward, and rabbit sitting up or resting – rabbit is slightly intrigued by a sound and fairly alert.

·      Both ears back, body relaxed – rabbit is relaxed and resting.

·      Ears held tightly against body, body tense– rabbit feels scared or upset.

·      Ears held at 45 degrees to back, body tense – rabbit is angry; this body language is a warning to others that the rabbit may become aggressive – it’s often a precursor to lunging).

·      Shaking ears – can be a sign of annoyance, rather like flicking feet (alternatively, rabbit may be shaking away dirt; repetitive ear shaking can indicate an ear infection).

·      Flicking ears, hopping playfully – rabbit is happy, and may be binkying.

It’s important to observe rabbits’ posture along with their ear movement when interpreting this body language. 

Lupin had limited ear movement, but we soon learnt to understand her by observing her ears alongside other body language.

Our domestic rabbits have retained the prey instinct of vigilance, and, like their wild cousins, have an acute sense of hearing which they use to monitor their surroundings. They also use their ears as a means of communication, although lop-eared breeds, due to limited ear movement, have impaired body language. We must learn to interpret this form of body language so we can respond accordingly. 



In the wild, rabbits depend upon vigilance for their survival, monitoring the environment for signs of danger with their highly developed senses. Their eyes are vital to them as prey creatures – with eyes on the side of their head, rabbits have a near 360 degree field of vision and are far-sighted, meaning they can spot a predator approaching from any angle, and in the distance.

Rabbits’ eyes – or, more specifically, how open the eyes are – can also indicate how they are feeling, and therefore convey information to other rabbits, such as whether their companion is relaxed or scared, so that they are ready to respond accordingly. For example:

·      Eyes half closed, body relaxed – rabbit is relaxed, resting.

·      Eyes are open, rabbit may be loafing or lying, body relaxed, nose still/twitching slowly, but rabbit’s body, nose, or mouth are twitching, and ears may be rotating – rabbit may be asleep and dreaming. (Ability to sleep with eyes open is one of the rabbit’s prey animal adaptions).

·      Eyes are wide open, rabbit is sitting up or rearing up, with nose twitching – something has caught rabbit’s attention, so rabbit is curious and poised for action, if it turns out to be a threat.

·      Eyes are wide and bulging, third eyelid may be visible, body tense – rabbit is scared or stressed; may be accompanied by rapid breathing.

·      Eyes half closed, body tense and hunching – rabbit may be in pain or unwell.

·      Moving head up and down/side to side, eyes wide open, sitting up or stretching forwards – rabbit is curious, or cautious, of something ahead – rabbit is scanning/parallaxing to gain a better depth perception before advancing.

It’s important to observe rabbits’ posture together with their eyes when interpreting this body language.

Our domestic rabbits have retained the prey instinct of vigilance, and, like their wild cousins, have heightened vision which they use to monitor their surroundings. They also use their eyes – or how open/closed their eyes are – as a means of communication. We must learn to interpret this form of body language so we can respond accordingly.


Fighting / Biting / Boxing / Growling/grunting / Kicking / Lunging

In the wild, rabbits use various techniques to fight off any outsider rabbits entering their territory; also, if cornered, they will employ various methods of self-defence against a predator.

Fighting may also take place within a rabbit colony. Female rabbits may defend their nest, and all rabbits will employ various methods of fighting, if necessary, as one of the hierarchical behaviours to reinforce social status. In escalating levels of aggression, here are the primary means:

·      Growling/grunting – This sound, produced by forcing air up from the lungs and through the nostrils, is a warning to another rabbit not to come any closer.  

·      Lunging – This is a sudden forwards lurch, usually accompanied by growling. The rabbit’s ears will be flat against its body. This is the final warning to retreat.

·      Boxing – A rabbit boxes and scratches with forelimbs, often growling, to push another rabbit away.

·      Biting – An open mouth bite is an act of severe aggression. Rabbits’ teeth are extremely sharp, and can inflict a serious wound.

·      Kicking – Rabbits can inflict a swift and painful kick with their powerful back legs – this is more likely if a rabbit is cornered.

Our pet rabbits will use these fighting techniques if they feel threatened by a predator, another rabbit, or a human. We must ensure our rabbits are introduced carefully to any new companions, using proper bonding techniques to reduce the risk of a dangerous fight breaking out. We must also protect them from predators by ensuring their enclosures are secure.

We should learn our rabbits’ methods of communicating, so we recognise their warnings to back off, and understand signs of stress or fear. That way, we can reduce the stress or retreat as necessary, before our rabbits feel the need to defend themselves or their territory. Most rabbits will only bite as a last resort – very few rabbits are aggressive by nature, and in most cases of biting, the rabbit has been put in a very stressful or frustrating situation, and warnings have been misinterpreted or ignored. 

It’s not uncommon for rabbits, especially does, to growl when we are cleaning their area/litter trays, because they regard our action as encroaching on their territory. It may help to distract them with food, and to undertake the cleaning slowly, with no sudden moves.

In the same way that wild rabbits would struggle and thrash if a predator picked them off the ground, our domestic rabbits may struggle, scratch, or kick if we attempt to pick them up, so we should handle them only if necessary and do so carefully and considerately.




Submissive, subordinate rabbits may lie flat, with their ears flat against their back, displaying subservience to a dominant rabbit – it’s one of rabbits’ hierarchical behaviours. This behaviour usually helps to prevent any conflict. Sometimes the dominant rabbit will lick them, to accept this act of submission. The position is very similar to bowing – the subtle difference is that the rabbit’s head won’t be stretched so far forward, and their ears will be flat against their back.

Our pet rabbits also use this body language to display their subservience to a dominant rabbit. It’s easy to confuse this posture with freezing – rabbits keeping flat and still from fear will hold their abdomen to the ground, have ears flat against their head, and their eyes may bulge.



Flicking feet

A rabbit hopping away and flicking its hind feet is expressing irritation about something that has just occurred – perhaps an interaction with a companion. The action may be accompanied by turning their back on the other rabbit.

This is a different behaviour from that of shaking/flicking the front paws before grooming their face.

Our pet rabbits, Ebony and Snoop, usually flick their feet when we let them out of their carrier following a vet appointment, but the same action can express unhappiness about any situation – especially if they have been picked up against their will. It’s important to take note and, if it’s something we’ve caused, avoid repeating the offensive action.



Fur pulling

Rabbits may pull fur from other rabbits to assert dominance when establishing, enforcing, and maintaining social status – it’s one of their hierarchical behaviours.

Fur pulling is also a reproductive behaviour.

Some fur may be pulled when rabbits first meet each other, as one of their hierarchical behaviours. Regular fur pulling can be an abnormal behaviour – a sign of boredom or frustration. 





Mabel and Dijon allogrooming.

Rabbits are fastidious groomers. In the wild, it's vital that they keep their coats in great condition, to protect themselves from the rain, help with thermoregulation, and also avoid odours which could attract predators. They groom themselves many times each day, licking their fur, teasing any dirt out by nibbling with their teeth, and twisting their body to reach their back; they use their front paws to clean their face. Back feet are used for scratching inside and behind their ears. They also use their front paws to pull their ears down, so they can lick them. 

Magic lived as a single bunny, so had no help with grooming.

Dijon had Ebony to help him keep his ears clean.

Grooming is an important social activity for rabbits. Grooming one another (allogrooming) not only helps with hygiene, by having another rabbit clean areas difficult to reach by autogrooming, and with stress relief, but it’s also a way to strengthen bonds between companions or mates, and to reinforce social hierarchies. Within a social group, the dominant rabbit will receive the most grooming, from the subordinate rabbits, but occasionally two rabbits may groom each other simultaneously. A rabbit assuming a position of a dominance will request to be groomed by approaching another rabbit and bowing. If they don’t receive any response, they may try nudging the other rabbit. Failure of the other rabbit to acknowledge this demand may result in chasing.

Dijon carefully washes his face.

Grooming is just as vital for our pet rabbits, and has a critical role to play during the process of introducing and bonding two or more rabbits – the rabbit who wants to be the dominant one in the relationship will try bowing to the other rabbit. If that rabbit accepts the other’s dominance, they will groom them, and often this is the point at which the bond is established. If not, there may be chasing, which can quickly escalate to fighting if we don’t recognise the point at which we need to intervene. Part of the joy, as an owner, of having more than a one rabbit is watching them groom one another, but it is also important for our rabbits to have a companion to help with cleaning, especially for the less accessible parts of their body – this becomes even more vital for disabled or senior rabbits. As for their wild cousins, it helps them to relax. 

Allogrooming displayed by Dijon and Mabel, then Dijon with his second partner, Ebony; also showing how Dijon struggled to groom his ears as he grew older, which could have resulted in problems had he not had Ebony to help.

Our rabbits may request to be ‘groomed’ (petted) by us, by putting their head flat/chin on ground, and, if we ignore them, maybe nudging or even nipping us for attention. In return, if we’re lucky, our rabbits may also groom us, licking and sometimes nibbling to tease out any ‘dirt’ they find on us (apparently, from a rabbit’s perspective, our rings, watches, and even our knuckles do not belong on our skin!). 

Dijon loved his cuddles, requesting them from each member of our family in turn. He especially enjoyed a shoulder massage! However, he would never have tolerated being picked up or put on our lap for cuddles.
Dijon washing his ears... or shutting out the world?!





A rabbit with small, regular body jolts may have a bout of hiccups. Hiccups are caused by a spasm of the diaphragm muscle, and can last from a few seconds to a few minutes – they often seem to occur after intense activity. 

Dijon having a bout of hiccups.

A rabbit with hiccups is no cause for concern – unless the hiccups continue for longer than a few minutes, or the rabbit suffers from regular bouts. 



Hiding pain

In the wild, showing any sign of injury, pain, or illness renders a rabbit vulnerable to attack – predators often target sick, elderly, or young animals. One vulnerable rabbit may draw attention to the rest of the group, but the unwell rabbit could also spread disease to the colony. Therefore, rabbits showing signs of any injury, pain, or illness are often outcast by their companions, to protect the rest of the colony, and so rabbits have become adept at hiding pain.

Hiding pain is also a prey animal behaviour.

Due to our rabbits’ instinct to hide illness, it’s vital that we know and understand our rabbits well enough to spot even the most subtle signs of poorliness, and conduct daily observations and basic home examinations. Without familiarity and careful observation of our rabbits, problems can be missed and remain untreated for some time. When symptoms become noticeable, it’s likely that they are only visible because our rabbit is too unwell to hide them any longer, and successful treatment may be difficult or impossible.



Hierarchical behaviours

Rabbits maintain a social hierarchy, with dominant rabbits having first choice of food, burrow, resting spot, mate, and the privilege of being able to demand grooming from subordinate rabbits. Dominant does give birth in the best nesting chamber, which is usually the safest one, near the centre of the warren. Within a colony, young rabbits are born into (and usually accept) their status in the hierarchy.

A range of behaviours is exhibited to maintain and reinforce this hierarchy:

·      Scent marking communicates important information about a rabbit’s status to other rabbits in the group.

·      Chasing, nipping, fur pulling, and even fighting, may all be used if one rabbit questions another’s dominance – for example, a dominant rabbit may chase subordinate rabbits away from their food/territory/chosen mate, to show who’s boss. Serious aggression (eg. biting) is only used if the subordinate rabbit refuses to back off/submit.

·      Chasing is more likely when rabbits are newly introduced and need to establish their hierarchy, but the dominant rabbit may continue to chase subordinate rabbits, sometimes circling them and, unless they move away, mounting them to demonstrate dominance.

·      Mounting is mostly one of rabbits’ reproductive behaviours but is also used to display hierarchy – a rabbit will attempt to mount another rabbit, regardless of sex, to establish dominance over that rabbit. If that rabbit doesn’t accept the other’s claim to dominance, they may turn and start chasing, fur pulling, or nipping. They may turn and try to mount the rabbit who attempted to mount them – things can escalate, if neither rabbit backs down, and turn into what’s known as a ‘tornado’, with both rabbits chasing in tight circle until one ends on its back. Serious wounds may be inflicted at this point.

·      A rabbit approaching another and bowing is assuming a position of a dominance, by requesting grooming. If the other rabbit ignores the request, the dominant rabbit may try nudging with its nose. If they accept, then will lick the dominant rabbit’s head, ears, and nose, showing that they are subservient and accept their lower position in the hierarchy. If they continue to ignore the request, or try bowing back because they think they deserve to be the dominant rabbit, there may be chasing, fur pulling, or nipping.

·      A submissive, subordinate rabbit lying flat but without head stretched so far forward, and with ears flat against back, is flattening, demonstrating their subservience to a dominant rabbit, and this behaviour usually helps to prevent any conflict. Sometimes the dominant rabbit will lick them, to accept this act of submission.


Ebony telling Dijon that, as her subordinate, he has no right to go in the special hidey-hole.

Our domestic rabbits also require social hierarchies to enjoy peaceful, harmonious relationships. Whether we have a pair of rabbits, or a large ‘fluffle’, their relationships will be built upon their social hierarchies.

When rabbits are introduced for the first time, they will perform the behaviours mentioned above to establish their hierarchy, determining which rabbit will be the dominant and which the subordinate in their relationship. This process, known as bonding, can be dangerous for the rabbits involved if we don’t understand their nature and behaviours. Inevitably, their territory will not be as large as that for wild rabbits, with fewer opportunities for escaping confrontation. If there is any dispute over dominance, with neither rabbit allowing the other to mount, or running away when chased, to accept their lower position in the relationship, slightly aggressive behaviours, such as nipping, can quickly escalate to ‘tornado’ – chasing in a tight circle, until one rabbit ends on its back, resulting in fighting, with serious injuries inflicted from biting.

If we are responsible for rabbits, we have a duty to ensure they are introduced carefully to any new companions, so that they can establish their hierarchy safely (see our information on companionship).




A gentle ‘hmm-hmm’ sound, often accompanied by circling, is one of rabbits’ hierarchical behaviours to display dominance. It is also used as a way of communicating affection, as one of rabbits’ reproductive behaviours.

Our rabbits might honk at their partner, or at us, to display their affection, or their excitement (eg. when food is approaching). Unneutered rabbits, or those kept without a rabbit companion, are more likely to circle and honk at their owners. We must ensure all rabbits are neutered, and that they have suitable companionship.




A hunched, tense position indicates that a rabbit is in pain or unwell – it’s a similar posture to loafing, but the body is more tense, and often held slightly off the ground; eyes may be narrowed, and the rabbit may be making loud teeth grinding noises. 

Snoop hunching during an episode of gut slowdown -
notice how he's holding his sides in, making his haunches look huge.


Our rabbits, like their wild ancestors, are adept at hiding pain. We need to observe their behaviours, so we know them well enough to spot signs of pain or unwellness.




Rabbits use their tongues to lick themselves and their rabbit companions when grooming. Licking is also performed as a form of scent marking, to mark territory.

Dijon licking various items – he seemed to simply enjoy the taste or texture of many things... especially his medicine!

Our pet rabbits also lick when they groom themselves and their companions – some rabbits even lick their owners when being petted. 

Neroli licking (in hope of extra treats).

They may also lick to mark territory. Rabbits might lick objects if they like the taste, especially if it’s sweet or salty (they do not require salt or mineral blocks – a suitable healthy diet should provide all the nutrients and minerals they require).

However, if a rabbit starts repetitively licking objects, it may be a sign of boredom, indicating a need for more enrichment. Excessively licking themselves may indicate a problem, such as an infection or parasites, and requires veterinary attention. 




Rabbits may form a ‘bunny loaf’ when resting or sleeping, sitting in a neat shape, with their front paws tucked beneath their chest, and back feet also neatly under them. 

Dijon loafing.

Rabbits can recognise that when a companion is loafing, he/she is relaxed, and as such, loafing and other body postures are powerful ways of communicating, conveying a wealth of information. 

Snoop forming a longer loaf, with front paws on show.

Loafing is a far more relaxed posture than hunching.

Dijon and his mini-Dijon demonstrating the perfect loaf

We need to be able to recognise our rabbits’ various body postures and interpret what they tell us about how our rabbits are feeling. 

Mabel and Dijon – batch baked loaves?!




Lying / Flopping / Splooting

Dijon using Mabel as his cushion.

Rabbits may lie down on their side with legs stretched out to one side, on their front with both legs out behind them (known as ‘splooting’, when seen in pet rabbits), or, very occasionally, on their backs with their legs off the ground! Their head may be up, or may be resting with chin or cheek to the ground. A rabbit in this position is relaxed, and may be sleeping, often after eating. Rabbits may suddenly throw themselves over, flopping onto their side and remaining lying down – this indicates that they are extremely relaxed and content.

Lupin demonstrating the bunny 'sploot'.

A rabbit approaching a companion then lying with head flat/chin on ground may be requesting grooming from another rabbit. A similar posture with a different meaning is flattening, whereby a subordinate rabbit may lie flat, with their ears flat against their back, to demonstrate their submission to a dominant rabbit.

However, a rabbit lying flat to the ground with tense body, hind legs tucked under, ears down, and eyes wide, keeping completely still may be freezing, trying to make themselves inconspicuous to avoid being spotted by a predator.

Rabbits can recognise these subtle differences when their companion is lying, and know what it means, and as such, lying and other body postures are powerful ways of communicating, conveying a wealth of information.

We need to be able to recognise our rabbits’ various body postures and interpret what they tell us about how our rabbits are feeling. Seeing a rabbit flopping for the first time can be somewhat concerning – they may appear to have experienced an attack, as they suddenly fall over to one side, legs in the air. In fact, this behaviour shows that they are completely happy and relaxed. 

Ebony forming the bunny sploot, as Dijon keeps guard.





A rabbit may mount another rabbit, regardless of sex, to establish dominance over that rabbit – it’s one of rabbits’ hierarchical behaviours.

Mounting is also a reproductive behaviour.

Snoop chasing then mounting Ebony during their bonding process.

When rabbits are introduced for the first time, they will perform hierarchical behaviours, including mounting, to establish their hierarchy, determining which rabbit will be the dominant and which the subordinate in their relationship. This process, known as bonding, can be dangerous for the rabbits involved if we don’t understand their nature and behaviours. Inevitably, their territory will not be as large as that for wild rabbits, with fewer opportunities for escaping confrontation. If there is any dispute over dominance, with neither rabbit allowing the other to mount, or running away when chased, to accept their lower position in the relationship, slightly aggressive behaviours, such as nipping, can quickly escalate to ‘tornado’ – chasing in a tight circle, until one rabbit ends on its back, resulting in fighting, with serious injuries inflicted from biting.

If we are responsible for rabbits, we have a duty to ensure they are introduced carefully to any new companions, so that they can establish their hierarchy safely (see our information on companionship).




A nibbling action is used in grooming. Rabbits also nibble unfamiliar objects to investigate them.

If we’re lucky, our rabbits may also groom us, licking and sometimes nibbling to tease out any ‘dirt’ they find on us (apparently, from a rabbit’s perspective, our rings, watches, and even our knuckles do not belong on our skin!). Whilst it can be a shock, at first, when a rabbit nibbles our finger, it rarely hurts and is usually momentary. 




A nip is a small pinch-like bite, much gentler than open mouth biting, and may be used to warn off another rabbit or to demand their attention (especially grooming). It’s one of rabbits’ hierarchical behaviours – the dominant rabbit will nip subordinates.

Our pet rabbits may also nip us, either to demand attention or to ask us to move out of their way. We need to observe our rabbits closely to understand this behaviour in its context and interpret the meaning – if a rabbit is nipping from agitation or fear, body posture will be aggressive (ears back, tense body), and we need to respond to calm them or remove the problem before it escalates to further aggression. 



Nose / Smelling / Twitching nose

Dijon displaying his all-important nose and whiskers (in the days before Ebony came to live with him, and subsequently nibbled off his whiskers!).

In the wild, rabbits depend upon vigilance for their survival, monitoring the environment for signs of danger with their highly developed senses. Their very strong sense of smell is crucial to them as prey creatures, but also plays a vital role in their social relationships, in detecting and interpreting scent marking left by companions.

Rabbits’ noses constantly twitch – this twitching enhances their sense of smell by exposing the receptors to the air. The twitching accelerates (it can reach 150 times per minute), if they detect an unfamiliar or interesting smell. The rate of this nose twitching can also indicate how they are feeling, and therefore convey information to other rabbits, such as whether a companion is relaxed, stressed, or overheated, so that they are ready to respond accordingly. For example:

·      Fast twitching, tense body, sitting up or rearing up, ears upeyes wide – rabbit has detected an unfamiliar/threatening scent and is investigating, but is poised to run if necessary.

·      Fast twitching, rapid breathing – rabbit may be recovering from a period of intense activity, be very hot, or be unwell.

·      Slow twitching, relaxed body, sitting up – rabbit is relaxed, and hasn’t detected anything threatening.

·      Slow twitching or still, relaxed body, loafing or lying – rabbit may be either resting or sleeping.

Neroli sleeping, with a still nose and relaxed body.

The shape of a rabbit’s nose can also indicate how they are feeling:

·      A relaxed, comfortable rabbit will have more of a shallow ‘U’ shape nose.

·      If they are unwell or in pain/discomfort, their nose may appear more pointed, in a sharper ‘V’ shape, as rabbits in pain tend to grimace, tightening their facial muscles which draws in their cheeks.

Our domestic rabbits have retained the prey instinct of vigilance, and, like their wild cousins, have an acute sense of smell that they use to monitor their surroundings and use to detect scent marking.

The speed of their nose twitching and the shape of their nose can also indicate how they are feeling. We must learn to interpret this form of body language so we can respond accordingly. 




Rabbits use their nose to push objects out of their way, but also nudge with their nose to shoo away another rabbit or to demand their attention (especially grooming).

Poor Dijon was always being nudged out of the way by Ebony!

Our pet rabbits may also nudge us, either to demand attention, or to ask us to move out of their way. We need to observe our rabbits closely to understand this behaviour in its context and interpret the meaning – if a rabbit is nudging from agitation or fear, body posture will be aggressive (ears back, tense body), and we need to respond to calm them or remove the problem before it escalates to further aggression.



Rapid breathing / Panting

Causes of rapid breathing or panting in rabbits include unwellness, overheating, obesity, and over exertion (especially during attempts to establish social hierarchies).

It is also a prey animal fear response.

Snoop being overexcited about spending his first day in his forever home. 

It’s important to understand and recognise rabbits’ body language to see what they are communicating, and respond accordingly. In rapid breathing from fear, the stressed or scared rabbit may also respond by freezing. If our rabbits are breathing rapidly from fear or stress, we need to act quickly to make them feel secure and comfortable; if it is from overheating, we must take measures to make them cooler.  



Scent marking / Chin rubbing

Scent marking is an important method of communication for rabbits. Wild rabbits mark with scent to denote territory and deter intruders – they mark the boundary by spraying urine, scattering droppings, and by chin rubbing (rubbing their chins on objects within their territory to leave scent from the gland beneath their jaw). They may also spread their scent by licking objects in their territory. Scent marking is one of their hierarchical behaviours – it reinforces hierarchy by communicating the rabbit’s sex, reproductive status, social status, group identity, and even age. They may scent mark prominent objects within their territory and even other rabbits. The dominant buck in the group has the best developed scent glands and will conduct most of the scent marking, but females also scent mark – especially at the entrance to their nest. Rabbits use their sensitive nose to detect scents left by other rabbits.

Dijon chinning things... especially an old broom!

Our pet rabbits also scent prominent objects in their area – some may even scent a finger held out to them! Providing enrichment items allows rabbits to ‘chin’ objects in their area –swapping toys or adding other items prevents boredom and keeps rabbits busy with chinning all the new ‘territory’!




Rabbits use their hind feet to scratch their face, neck, or body when grooming.

Rabbits may scratch with their front claws if boxing another rabbit, either as one of the hierarchical behaviours to establish, enforce, or maintain status, or to tell another rabbit to back off. They can also scratch in self-defence if cornered by a predator.

Princess Neroli briefly pausing her relentless quest for treats
to scratch her pretty face.


Pet rabbits also use their hind feet to scratch themselves to groom – we need to ensure their claws are trimmed to the correct length so that they can use them without wounding themselves. 

Mabel licking her toes before resuming scratching of her ears.

We must ensure our rabbits are introduced carefully to any new companions, using proper bonding techniques to reduce the risk of a dangerous fight breaking out between rabbits.

We should learn our rabbits’ methods of communicating, so we recognise their warnings to back off, and understand signs of stress or fear. That way, we can reduce the stress or retreat as necessary, before our rabbits feel the need to defend themselves or their territory.

It’s not uncommon for rabbits, especially does, to try boxing, scratching with their front claws to force us to back off when we are cleaning their area/litter trays, because they regard our action as encroaching on their territory. It may help to distract them with food, and to undertake the cleaning slowly, with no sudden moves.

In the same way that wild rabbits would struggle and thrash if a predator picked them off the ground, our domestic rabbits may struggle, scratch, or kick if we attempt to pick them up, so we should handle them only if necessary and do so carefully and considerately.




This is a terrible sound, only heard if a rabbit is in excruciating pain or extreme terror.

This sound is produced by forcing air up from the lungs and through the rabbit’s mouth.

Hopefully we will never hear this noise from our pet rabbits, but if we do, they require immediate veterinary attention. 




If a rabbit is shaking/trembling, it may just be worn out from racing around, in which case the shaking should calm down once the rabbit has rested, but it could also indicate illness (rabbit may be hunching), stress/fear (body will be tense, eyes wide), or overheating (temperature of ears will be hot). An extremely frightened rabbit may tremble, as the adrenalin rush increases their heart rate and causes their muscles to twitch. Shaking is often accompanied by rapid breathing. Rabbits also shake their coats, especially after grooming, to straighten their fur and shake off any loose hairs or dirt.

We need to observe our rabbits closely to understand this behaviour in its context and interpret the meaning – if a rabbit is shaking from fear, we must make it feel secure; if it is from heat, we need to ensure we make it cooler; if shaking is from pain/unwellness, we must seek veterinary attention. 

Rabbits' shaking of their coat may happen in a blink of an eye, but slow motion reveals that it's quite a dramatic move!



Sitting up

Mabel sitting prim and proper.

Rabbits sit with their weight on their rear end, front legs standing straight, and ears usually up; they don’t tend to stay in this position for long – they are usually about to groom, wander off, or settle down to rest.

Rabbits can recognise that when a companion is sitting up he/she is relaxed but alert, and as such, sitting up and other body postures are powerful ways of communicating, conveying a wealth of information. 

Snoop posing for the camera.

We need to be able to recognise our rabbits’ various body postures and interpret what they tell us about how our rabbits are feeling.

Ebony waiting for treats.




Rabbits are extremely sociable – wild rabbits live in colonies with up to 50 individuals, divided into groups of between 2-10 closely bonded rabbits, with an established hierarchy (see hierarchical behaviours).

Rabbits prefer eating, foraging, and grazing in these small groups, which helps them to stand a greater chance of spotting predators – at least one rabbit is always alert for danger (see vigilance). They also prefer resting or sleeping together – if they choose to rest or sleep alone, it will usually be in a place where they are in sight of another rabbit, for safety. Again, as for all activities that increase their vulnerability, at least one rabbit is always on watch for danger – they rely heavily on vigilance for their survival. 

Mabel and Dijon 'mirroring' – this is when rabbits copy one another's behaviour, in this case grooming at the same time.

Our pet rabbits also need companionship of at least one other rabbit, and they will enjoy eating, grooming, and sleeping together. Rabbits do enjoy some time alone as well, so we should always provide at least one of every item per rabbit (water bowls, hidey-holes, and other enrichment items), but, like their wild cousins, they prefer to be within sight of another rabbit. Having the companionship of (an)other rabbit(s) will help them to feel less stressed and more relaxed. 

If you’re in any doubt as to whether rabbits really do need companionship of another rabbit, watch this compilation of photos showing the amazing bond between Dijon and his first partner, Mabel. We selected Mabel and Dijon (in 2011) from 2 litters of Dutch rabbits (now, of course, we know it’s best to adopt from a rescue centre). They shared the same father - Mabel was Dijon’s half-sister. They were put together by the breeder so they could bond as soon as they were old enough to leave their mothers, and we brought them home shortly after. Rabbits from the same litter don’t necessarily get along – they can fall out, especially when their hormones kick in. Dijon did pester Mabel a bit when they were young, and his first neuter didn’t help – he continued to mount her and spray urine around our living room, until, in desperation, our vet agreed it was worth going ahead with ‘exploratory surgery’ to see whether anything had been missed! It had – she found testicular tissue lodged in his inguinal canal, thank goodness, and once it had been removed, Dijon became the perfect gentleman. He adored his Mabel, cared for and protected her, and, as you’ll see toward the end of the compilation, loved to throw himself at her feet! They were in separable. Mabel finally lost her battle to a mandibular abscess in 2018, which is when we adopted Ebony.




Spraying urine

Urine is sprayed for scent marking purposes. It’s mostly a male behaviour. It is performed to mark territory (which may include other rabbits) and communicate social status as one of rabbits’ hierarchical behaviours. It is also one of rabbits’ reproductive behaviours.

Dijon, before he was neutered, spraying urine and chinning.

Fortunately, this behaviour is usually eliminated by neutering our pet rabbits.



Squealing / Whimpering

Rabbits make a squealing or whimpering noise when communicating displeasure. For example, a doe may produce the sound to tell to tell a male his advances are unwanted; a rabbit might squeal/whimper if another rabbit attempts mounting.

This sound may also be heard from our pet rabbits, if their partner approaches and they’d prefer to be left in peace, and particularly during the process of introducing and bonding two or more rabbits.

Rabbits may also squeal/whimper if they don’t want to be picked up – in this situation, it’s important we take note and try to avoid picking them up unless essential.




Most wild rabbits have a white underside to their tail, which they show as they are hopping at speed to flee danger. It may seem to us that this would not be in their best interest, given that their coat colour provides a good camouflage whereas the white tail would draw attention from the predator, research suggests that the bobbing white tail confuses a predator trying to chase a rabbit. Their white tail is also a way of communicating a warning to other rabbits, along with thumping of their hind feet. Read here how rabbits have adapted to avoid predation.

Rabbits also use their tail in other ways for communicating within their social groups. For example:

·      Tail pointing upwards, ears up, rabbit is alert, and may be binkying – rabbit is excited, for example during courtship.

·      Tail pointing upwards, ears back, head up – rabbit is feeling threatened and is prepared for aggression.

·      Tail lifted upwards, rabbit may reverse into a corner, sitting with hind legs slightly apart – rabbit is about to start urinating (the tail is raised to keep it clean).

·      Tail pointing downwards, stretched out, rabbit stretching forward with hind legs stretched back and feet rooted to the ground – rabbit is cautious or curious about something ahead and approaching cautiously.

·      Tail flicks/wags in a small, rapid, side-to-side motion – rabbit is showing defiance, or disapproval – often in response to something another rabbit has done.

Rabbits’ tails provide some help with balance, although not as effectively as the longer tails of other animals.

Dijon's tail was often pointing up when was young and permanently excited!

Our pet rabbits may also show the underside of their tail for communicating, in the same way as their wild counterparts (although domestic rabbits’ tails are not always white on the underside). The tail flick is also used and can be directed towards us – it’s a form of bunny ‘backchat’!

We need to observe our rabbits closely to understand this behaviour in its context and interpret the meaning – if they display the underside of their tail as a warning of a perceived threat, we must make them feel secure; if it is from feeling threatened and warning us to back off, we should take notice. If we see them raise their tail because they’re about to urinate and it’s not in their toilet area, we might have just enough time to give them a gentle reminder by ushering them towards their litter tray! 



Teeth chattering / Grinding teeth / Purring

Soft grinding/chattering of teeth (also known as purring) is a rabbit’s way of expressing contentment – for example, when resting, or during grooming from another rabbit. Unlike a cat’s purr, it is not produced by vocal cords.

However, loud grinding of teeth has a very different meaning – a loud grating sound indicates a rabbit is in discomfort or pain. Rabbits are adept at hiding pain, but clues include hunching and narrowed eyes.

Listen carefully to hear Dijon grinding his teeth in contentment.

Our rabbits may softly ‘purr’ by chattering/grinding their teeth when they’re being groomed by a rabbit companion, and sometimes when we’re stroking them. This chattering is a gentle motion, barely visible other than slight vibration of the mouth and whiskers, and may produce a soft sound, and they will appear relaxed and comfortable.

A rabbit grinding its teeth loudly and hunching from pain or discomfort requires immediate veterinary attention.




When rabbits detect a threat, they thump their back feet on the ground to make a sound, communicating an alarm to other rabbits – it’s one of their prey animal behaviours. They may show the white underside of their tail to warn companions. The thumping may also be used to scare off predators.

Rabbits also thump to show their annoyance, especially if another rabbit has done something to upset them. This type of thumping will be less persistent than thumping as an alarm signal.

Thumping is also a hierarchical behaviour, used to display dominance, and a reproductive behaviour.

Snoop thumping when meeting Ebony – during the bonding process, thumping may be used to communicate dominance. 

It’s important to understand our rabbits’ body language, and to recognise the contextual meanings of thumping – if the thumping is caused by fear, we may need to help them feel secure, if possible, removing whatever it is that they perceive as a threat.

Thumping as a sign of annoyance is common, for instance, as rabbits are let out of their carrier following a trip to the vet, or after being brushed. However, thumping can have other meanings – for some pet rabbits, such as our Mabel, it can be a precursor to ‘naughtiness’!



Turning back on company

Rabbits may sit with their back turned to a companion if they are annoyed – they are communicating that the other rabbit has offended them in some way. This posture may have followed the rabbit flicking feet in the direction of the other rabbit.

Dijon demonstrating his irritation.

Our pet rabbits may perform this behaviour, both to their companion rabbit(s) and to us! If we upset our rabbits, for example, by trimming their nails or grooming them, they may turn their backs on us and refuse to acknowledge us. They need some time and space – often, they’re too proud to accept our offering of treats, but leave some nearby and they will usually forgive us… eventually!

Dijon and Ebony being seriously offended.





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