Sunday, 21 June 2015

Happy Birthday Mabel!

On Wednesday, Mabel celebrated her 4th Birthday. Her Birthday platter was prepared by her two youngest servants, and she shared it with Dijon. 

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Happy Birthday Dijon!

Here is Dijon celebrating his 4th Birthday, by enjoying a Birthday platter prepared by his girl servant. He shared it with Mabel, in the hope that she remembers his generosity next week, when it will be her Birthday!


Monday, 11 May 2015

Naughty Bunny Disguised as Pianist

We have become very used to Mabel hopping effortlessly onto the piano keyboard and playing a quick tune before leaping into the hay storage basket on top of the bunnies' puppy crate cage.

Thankfully, I happened to be watching her this morning when she was playing a tune. She stepped on the bass notes, not her usual melody...

She had spotted a hanging branch of the parlour palm plant, which lives 'safely' - and usually out of reach - on the bureau beside the piano...

I caught hold of the pot just as she tugged the branch, toppling the plant. She darted out of the way, but the bureau, piano and carpet were showered with compost, and all the pebbles and pine cones the children have collected and placed in the pot over the years. 

What a mess, and she showed no remorse. Instead came a battle between me and two bunnies, both desperate to sample the spilt contents of the pot. 

Is nothing safe?! Thank goodness for Hetty's extra long tube. 

Friday, 1 May 2015

Wanted: Ear Thief

Mabel says she would like to report an incident of ear theft. First one
was taken, and then the other.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Going... going... GONE!

Mabel and Dijon do their impressions of Ermintrude from 'The Magic

Saturday, 28 February 2015

A Lazy Weekend

Dijon says it's been a tough week, so he deserves to put his feet up this weekend.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

The Dijon Machine

Cylindrical input ▶ Spherical output
(Food pellets ▶droppings)

Amazing! He's a bit like one of those old fashioned food mincers.

Saturday, 31 January 2015

The All Ears Podcast

The All Ears Podcast is an audio podcast, available directly from the
website or via iTunes, hosted by Kathy Gillibrand and Sabina Fox. It was
launched in November 2014. Four episodes have been released so far,
covering the changes to best practice in rabbit welfare over the past
ten years, snuffles and stasis, and then, for episodes 3 and 4, Dr Twigs
Way talks about foraging for rabbits and housing for rabbits. Episode 5,
recorded with Jo Hinde, should be released soon, and there are more
equally awesome special guests lined up to talk.

Friday, 30 January 2015

Fresh supplies, at last!

Just over a week late, the bunnies' supplies finally arrived this
afternoon. We were allowed to keep the 4 bags of hay which had arrived
from the first order, and a whole new second order, so now have 10 bags
of hay! They were also kind enough to pass on a voucher as compensation.

Mabel and Dijon have fresh litter, fresh hay, and some Readigrass as a
treat... they say that all is right with the world, but have warned me
that if I EVER let supplies run so low again, they will carry out their
plan to cause further extensive cable damage in the living room...

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Litter Let-down: Update

Several emails and two phone calls later, the mystery is solved and we
have discovered that most of our order has been sent to the wrong postcode.

Goodness knows how they managed to get one parcel to us, and one to an
address just over 250 miles away... just that rather essential first
letter of the postcode! I imagine the recipient was rather bemused, no
wonder they refused to accept delivery. Very few people require 60
litres of litter and 4 bags of hay!

Anyway, we've been told it has now been dispatched, so - assuming it's
addressed with all the right letters in all the right places - we
shouldn't have to endure this terrible bunny wee smell for much longer.
Mabel and Dijon have no problem doing their business on old hay in their
trays instead of litter, but we are noticing the difference!!